Learning Python Web Penetration Testing | 02 Interacting with Web Applications

===== ▼♪♫Welcome♫♪ ▼ =====

►Subscribe : http://goo.gl/Xc3FFT

Stop using automated testing tools. Customize and write your own tests with Python! While there are an increasing number of sophisticated ready-made tools to scan systems for vulnerabilities, Python allows testers to write system-specific scripts—or alter and extend existing testing tools—to find, exploit, and record as many security weaknesses as possible. This course will give you the necessary skills to write custom tools for different scenarios and modify existing Python tools to suit your application’s needs.

►►►►► Archivos Base ◄◄◄◄◄

►Sublime Text : https://www.sublimetext.com/
► Brackets : http://brackets.io/
► Xammp : https://www.apachefriends.org/es/index.html
► Jquery : https://jquery.com/
► Python :https://www.python.org/
►Eclipse : https://eclipse.org/downloads/
► Netbeans : https://netbeans.org/
► Angular JS : https://angularjs.org/


======== Redes Sociales======

Twitter : http://goo.gl/UndqDt

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